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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Efficiency of alternative medicines 2

They are really very interesting techniques that use the energy captured by nature as do the Orientals. They tend to use especially of vital energy, called ch'i (China) or KI (Japan). According to the East, the source emanating from these energies, comes from nature and its springs, especially the sun. The energy is transmitted into their own hands sometimes serving as a channel for the person to aid healing of diseases related to our immune system, nervous system and circulatory system. Although the remarkable effort of these professionals to perform healing work, if using various hand positions for application of energy flow (such as reiki for example) or needles (as in acupuncture) also can observe the great autonomy that this practice leads, the patient in itself, upon receiving these treatments in your body as you lie on the floor in various positions specific handling of its members and the intellectual and physical fitness is achieved through constant practice. It's something revealing, that has gained a growing space to the organs and major health institutions, both aesthetically, for the level of improvement in the functioning of internal organs, breathing, pain relief and in the very functioning of the brain and its main activities, relaxing the mind and bringing a state of peace and genius, that the ancient oriental already know from the beginning, when that there were small towns. A great example of these sages is Mikao Usui, a major icons of the discovery of how to enable this large flow of Ch'i energy that our body is housed am in the region called "tandem", the channel energy "Hara" that isthree fingers below the navel. These techniques are ancient, and even if not miraculous, can solve serious problems such as gastritis, diabetes, circulation problems, among many others.
Bruno Chevrand Prinz 21/09/2010

Metaphorical phrases / Abstract

 "His soft voice is like a fan than a thousand blades"

"Bizarre free will, which allows only one principle have several purposes."

"The maturity is a fertile soil on the cliff who disposes of his own soul to prove to himself his insanity."

"While recognizing the commotion it causes me, I remain interested in deferring its final"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Elections 2010 - Set or not my own criteria of elections? What should I know?

Leveraging this opportunity to review values, let's talk about the issue at the elections. But not now speak of this subject already saturated by the context of the people as regards the "who's the best candidate," or about 10 million problem "caused or could cause the population to reverse the socio-economic areas. Theissue now is: What real risk we run today in relation to the assessment criteria for choosing candidates? First we go to this definition, the main criteria of choice used by most people in their choice of candidate:1-Honesty;2-Experience;3-Charisma to the people;4-Safety5-Ideas
These are the basic concepts of choice that are generally adopted by the people directly or indirectly. The honesty of an agent, is sometimes questioned by the fact that even necessarily need to meet the commitments of the status of their party and their interests beyond their particular projects, although this will compromise them. This is an indirect analysis, only to illustrate how much work it can mean, for example, administer the budget of a given project without making mistakes in their applications.Regarding experience, for being tied to cycles, it becomes almost impossible to predict accurately how much this will influence a political campaign. Measures that worked four years ago today are already obsolete with today's progress in various areas of culture and market, considering also their difficulties here and there. A great example, we can find in their own economy and its requirements, has never been so necessary partnership between the leaders of large corporations to experience the economic difficulties encountered after the recession for their companies, not to lose the power of capital turnover, and in some cases even fail.Hence the importance in choosing a candidate committed to the economy in order to remedy the individual value of the most urgent activities and those related to culture and knowledge. But is that the skills provided by major institutions to bring humanity into the clarity of ideas or induce chaos? ... It will be possible from public agencies the initiative to bring new knowledge to re-establish, for example, care for natural resources maintenance and repair in order to stimulate, not just public officials do, but their own citizens and community leaders? ... always remember that, before the chaos, the need arises, and by necessity, the very momentum generated by concern about their own experience and can induce even qualify to human action never previously considered. But one important exception, that such initiatives are worthless by some candidates, if they do not have a relationship that is close to the people. The favorite candidate, the "beloved," is usually the one with most projects of assistance to families, first of all to mitigate the most serious problems. Not to dwell too much on this issue, it is important to understand that the foundations of a society in the long run, households are sometimes, its limitations, we see this clearly in welfare policies, where the most popular candidate is not what further invest in the growth of a nation, even one that has the most accurate solutions for structuring a city to eliminate its most serious problems of health and employment generation, and yes, those who take advantage of the major hardships that exist in our model, to emphasize them in large campaigns aimed at the failures of the previous government, that although many contests, many of the people themselves contribute to maintain as reality, sometimes with uprisings, sometimes with passivity, but never withsatisfaction.

Bruno Chevrand Prinz 15/08/2010.

Cosmic Revaluation

With advancing technology, more and more we realize how much things have reduced its size. Now, at this current stage, we noticed that more and more appliances and electronics are getting smaller and more practical, but does not stop there, this also extends to science and medicine. As an example of the need for this convenience, we have smaller and smaller phones, MP4s, DVD's and now science studies other forms of medicine work, to work within the cell nucleus, the bulk of its development, to create new kinds of treatments disease, relying on medical and technological resources to create the size on a scale from one nanometer, creating different things from its smallest element, looking to put every atom and molecule in your desired location, based on the use of smaller elements of cellular structures. As everything is made of atoms and molecules, it is possible to apply the use of nanotechnology in everything created in Japan in order to simplify things in general in the field of bio-mechanical engineering, nanotechnology tends to make big changes in media economic and scientific and is already present in most developed countries. As a single yet still do not know the strength that can provide materials so small, can make them more practical, but perhaps more fragile and a greater need for care.
Author: Bruno Chevrand Prinz.

Nanotechnology and the Future

With advancing technology, more and more we realize how much things have reduced its size. Now, at this current stage, we noticed that more and more appliances and electronics are getting smaller and more practical, but does not stop there, this also extends to science and medicine. As an example of the need for this convenience, we have smaller and smaller phones, MP4s, DVD's and now science studies other forms of medicine work, to work within the cell nucleus, the bulk of its development, to create new kinds of treatments disease, relying on medical and technological resources to create the size on a scale from one nanometer, creating different things from its smallest element, looking to put every atom and molecule in your desired location, based on the use of smaller elements of cellular structures. As everything is made of atoms and molecules, it is possible to apply the use of nanotechnology in everything created in Japan in order to simplify things in general in the field of bio-mechanical engineering, nanotechnology tends to make big changes in media economic and scientific and is already present in most developed countries.As a single yet still do not know the strength that can provide materials so small, can make them more practical, but perhaps more fragile and a greater need care.

Autor: Bruno Chevrand Prinz.

Masked and its obvious Reflectors

Since Adam and Eve, we know that there is only one reality and the apocryphal versions always appear masked by interests . Consider that even today in the entire history of mankind, all the stories that had many versions, hid great goals and purposes (mainly financial), as the pure truth does not need many versions, it is unique, like a verse, the truth is therefore the universe is not what we live a "POLI-IMPOSED MANCIA" a term coined by me to define the political, social and ideological than we are.
Thus "Poli-Mancia," POLY "from Latin: lot, multitude;" MANCIA "divination, and enforced, because we are forced involuntarily to turn what is, we seem tipsy by imposing a general way, and hence this term.
With so many truths also end sedo covert arise when interests linked to the elite, is a widely used method to hide inconvenient truths, as the more versions of a story there, but she gets confused and often becomes like lies.For example, let's explore an ancient theme, but much talked about, the second world war. We realized by our current culture, how it was influenced by the U.S. government. Many characters are known as the "Joe Carioca" as seen in the comics, Captain America and even Carmen Miranda, in reality all these characters are not only cultural entertainment, and yes MASS MEDIA MANPULAÇÃO that have long served to if it creates an empathy between the Brazilian and the U.S. government. Interests: ... Yes, we can not say anything, but in addition to helping with the allied forces where he served the United States the U.S. government needed a strong motive to convince Brazil to enter this war. So for many historians who already knew the military strength of our country at the time (war and quantitative) was very convenient that the U.S. forge an attack on the naval base in Brazil, has been forging Germany (axis, forces opposed to U.S.) to commanding this attack. A major factor that implies the possibility of intrigue that erupted in Brazil's participation in World War II, is that Brazil has also lived a "dictatorship" and had a high level of dissatisfaction of the military, encouraging them to combat this practice, and this ally also the alleged possibility of having suffered an attack German, this attack, which can say many scholars and military may have been a missile attack and U.S. rockets and not coming from Alemanha.Como result, Brazil may have indirectly contributed to underpin the U.S. economy today, if we consider the big "jump" of U.S. power as it was mainly a consequence of World War II, where the U.S. helped England trading arms with the "Lend Lease Bill," law signed in England in March 1940, which determined that England could claim weapons without paying for them immediately. With that the United States lent guns to England interest absurdities, which made the United States very rich, and shoot in his race against the Soviet Union for world power (even though they have facts that suggest a cold-war alliance between the two powers, and not really a war indeed, as the traditional story), and hence many theories have been formed for a single reality, but once.
PS: All this is just information, I can not confirm the veracity of any of these facts, my goal is just to stimulate questioning.
PS II: I have nothing against Germans or Americans, it is a reflexive text.

Author: Bruno Chevrand Prinz

Planning days that never come

Today, we see clearly that everything is going faster. All running too, because of work, craft, always in a hurry and schedule increases so that many people often have the motivation to accomplish something, make appointments, but when will the day come to realize these ideas and plans? It's what many are asking when they have future ideas. What happens is that thought is running faster than time itself, the ideas buzzing in the minds of thinkers in general, but on behalf of many lavender, most of these ideas are on paper, or laziness, or lack of organization or even lack of time. Ideally in such cases is to set the date and time in advance or even an estimate of when they can make plans accordingly. In this case, the ideal is to measure the priorities and focus to what really matters to do, and how much is done in time because planning takes a long time to do things, and usually things go different than planned, so better simplify the ideas and plans, do a little sketch of what will be, and start soon, so do not lose motivation, and the chances of wasting contents of planning are smaller, since everything can turn out differently than was planned, because it everything changes constantly, so how about starting with a simple base and the rest of the plans according to the very tendencies that arise in implementing the plan after it has started? (remembering to take the first step is a victory when plans something important).
Author: Bruno Chevrand Prinz